Wednesday 25 July 2012

"You're the one that I want!"

Those six magic words…
 It’s what every aspiring music journalist wants to hear after emailing, ringing or writing to music websites or magazines when asking to be a part of their team.
Granted, only a few get back to you, but it only takes one…

Angus & Julia Stone - You're The One That I Want (Cover)
When I graduated University, I realised that I didn’t have enough experience, but it was only an e-mail away if I really wanted it. And I do, so that’s what I’ve been doing for the last few hours.
Selling yourself via e-mail is surprisingly easier than you’d think. It’s that old and trusty “cyber confidence” which creeps back in, what we all used to have back in the “MSN” days. You can sound impressive even when sitting in your jammies… BRILLIANT!
I spent the whole day biggin’ myself up, to the point where I felt nauseous and had to stop. I was reminded of my younger (much geekier) self; the one who would always have her hand up in class thinking ‘PICK ME! PICK ME!’ ‘Cos in actual fact, it’s the same sort of thing. You want to be picked from the millions of emails and phone calls. But after a while, it gets tiring so I decided to take a break…
The most demoralizing part of this whole process is the gut wrenching wait for the replies which might not ever come. It’s easy to say ‘Oh, don’t take it personally,’ but it’s certainly not easy to not take it to heart. Well, especially if you’re like me and wear your heart on your sleeve.
To stop myself from being in this slum, I have decided to take an alternative route… I shall become a pest. The pest who companies can’t avoid any longer as their inbox will be filled with all my ‘PICK ME’, ‘PICK ME’s. It’s not something I’d normally do if it involved me going up to their doors in person, but as it involves a bit of cyber confidence, I might be persuaded.
But, does that really work though? Or does it make you appear crazy and unable to take rejection? Once a week wouldn’t hurt…. Right? It surely just shows your enthusiasm… Hmmm, clearly I’m undecided myself.
I’ll give it a few days, No… I’ll give ‘em a week, ‘cos if you don’t pester, then it looks like you weren’t that bothered anyway, doesn’t it?
It appears I’m in a Catch-22 situation. Oh, boy… 

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